Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pilgrimage in the Land of Wonblair (Part I)

This is a story that symbolizes my trip in India 2007.


Somewhere in December, there were five water ducks (gullible in Cantonese) flying to the Land of Wonblair to search for the Bird of Paradise.

They landed in a group of turkeys. The head of the turkeys was called Won-Duc-A-Won (Con-man in Cantonese). He was a fox, camouflaged as a turkey. Not only want to eat all the water ducks, but also have all the turkeys for dinner as well. He told the ducks that he knew the way to search for the Bird of Paradise. The minute the ducks joined the turkeys, Won- Duc-A-Won demanded them to give him their best feathers as a price to take them there.

On their path of discovery, they found Won-Duc-A-Won had lied to them. He actually wouldn't take them to search for the Bird of Paradise; instead he would take them to where he wanted to go. The five water ducks felt a sense of hopelessness. They were upset and felt cheated. Therefore they tried to escape from the turkeys.

A decision was made to follow the turkeys until they were familiar with the Land of Wonblair, leaving their duck minds at peace. You see, the five water ducks had no confidence in this new land at all.

By the way, one amazing thing about this Won-Duc-A-Won, was that he was a disciple of Bird of Paradise. He renounced his foxy life when he was 9 years old. Do you believe this? The ducks wondered if this was true. This was why one of the ducks trusted him in the first place.

During the trip, he displayed his love for the beautiful feathers, chicks and other worldly things. The ducks also discovered his love of himself very much, by letting his group members eat the very basic food, but for himself would be different. The ducks could see him was into 'I, Me, Mine'. He walked fast without taking care of his group. It didn't matter to him if one or two ducks or turkeys had gone missing. He had his best meal without sharing with others. You might wonder how the ducks knew he was into chicks, because he looked at them and wanted to go to Bollywood to see more beautiful chicks. Unfortunate to him, but fortunate to the rest of the group that, that day Bollywood was close for the outsider. The rest of the group were very happy because they had no interested to see chicks, instead of the Bird of Paradise in their pilgrimage trip in the Land of Wonblair. The ducks considered this was wrong and had put them off even more.

The ducks went with the turkeys to visit most of the caves in the Land of Wonblair. They enjoyed all the places that they went even with the pain on their bums about this Won-Duc-A-Won.

On the way, Won-Duc-A-Won was eyeing on the duck's beautiful feathers. He couldn't control himself by showing his greediness with his saliva dripping from his mouth. Goodness how could a turkey be dripping with saliva, the ducks wondered and guessed, they soon discovered his foxy tail. They then realised he was a fox, instead of an innocent turkey. The ducks knew he was not only wanting their beautiful feathers, but their fat bodies as well. He tried very hard to pluck the duck's beautiful feathers. He knew the good days wouldn't last for long. Every day Won-Duc-A-Won thought someway to get more and more feathers from the ducks. The ducks knew very well about Won-Duc-A-Won's moves but they couldn't find a way out to search for the Bird of Paradise. They prayed for miracle and the miracle occurred.

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