Saturday, November 2, 2013

A letter to my nui nui

Dear nui nui,
This is really a tough task for me to write you a letter. Well, we often use emails and poems to communicate. But for this one, I don't really know what to tell you since we have shared most of our feelings and stories that has happened in our lives. We have shared our darkest secrets and all our laughter. We have so many special moments that we shared. I thank God for giving me you. I thank you for letting me look over your internet chatting, and from time to time, you let me drop a 'hello' on your friends' chat rooms to frighten them off. I have great fun. I wonder how many kids will allow their parents to chat with their friends in the chat room and read their conversations.

I think I have told you this before - I was in love with you before you were born. I separated with your dad at the time when I found I was pregnant. My GP told me if my marriage was not happy than he could do something for my pregnancy. I said never, I wanted this child no matter what happened to my marriage. Fortunately everything worked out the way it should.

Although it took me 26 hours before I could meet you face to face, it was well worth it. You looked so cute. I thank God for sending me this little angel to me. When you were in your early years, you had reflux and eczema all over your tiny little body. As a first time mum I worried like hell. Sorry to use this word but you can see how worried I was. Why were other babies' skin so smooth and mine was just like a crocodile skin! What had happened to my little angel? I took you to visit numerous GPs and local nurses. They all said it would go away when you turn one. So I patiently wait until you reached one year old. I took you back to our GP. He said the eczema would go away when you turn five. We waited on and by five the eczema was still there. Many times we visited our GP and specialist, the outcome was eczema would be with my little angel for life. Why am I telling you this in here? Although we have had many hard times together but I still enjoy being your mama.

Through your 17 years, you have taught me to be patient and tolerant. You have taught me LOVE. You have challenged me to do my master course, if you can still remember. You asked me to teach you how to build web pages in year 4. I went through all the html tags with you and you said "Oh mum, can't you use something much simpler than these tags." I said "Like what?" You then said "Why can't we use composer?" At that minute, I told myself I need to go back to school so I did my masters in multimedia just to keep myself up to date for you.

I was thrilled when you had your first job at the Athelstone Kumon tuition centre at the age of 14 years old. You have kept your job ever since. Last week couple of kids came to me and said "Sophia is a legend. Everybody wants her help at the Kumon centre." You just don't know how proud I was.

I can't see much of myself in you. Your perseverance, hard-working attitude, high aims and love for others truly amazes me. I often ask myself what I have done to have a daughter like you. It is truly amazing to see your eagerness to learn new things and willing to take up challenges. I remembered when you were 6 years old. I took you to a Chinese poem competition. People had recited that poem for more than one term and you just got there and learnt it for only one week. I asked you: "Are you sure you can make it?" You said to me: "Mum, it's only 10 lines." You came second in that competition. I was amazed with your confidence.

I am so proud of you that you are determined to succeed in your studies and other things in life. You embark professionally and full of enthusiasm on all tasks you have received from school and from us. I hope you do well in your exams and enjoy whatever comes in your way this summer holiday! Hope you enjoy your Kiaros retreat and find whatever you need to find from this retreat. So what can I say about my dear nuinui. Well, I am going to use our usual way of communication by writing you a poem.
Best to have you when we travel
You are the quickest live calculator I can get
Doing all the conversions and calculations
Best to have you when my impure mind arises
You are there to remind me the right and the wrong
People might think how odd? Well we learn things from each other
Guide me out of the corner and set me straight
Best to have you when we eat icecream
You are there to help me out
Finish up with whatever flavours I have in my cup
Best to have you when your brother is trouble
You will be there to help him out
Coach him in maths and other things in life
The best of all
You are my joy

Love ya, your mama 

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