Saturday, November 2, 2013

Kong’s escape

My eldest brother Kong left Vietnam when he was 18 years old. That morning I remembered he held me up and gave me a hug. His eyes were filled with tears but I couldn’t understand why? I was only six years old. He gave me some coins and walked out with our father. Dad took him to the harbour at Saigon. My father paid $550,000 for him to sneak out Vietnam. At that time he was summoned to join the army.  He had informed my mum whether he passed his year 12 exams or not, he would still be required to join the army. We all knew joining the army meant death was imminent. From that day he left this family for 17 years.

Kong boarded on a huge cargo ship. He told us he was buried under all the goods inside the cabin. After the ship went pass the border and it got into the National Sea, they let him out from the hiding place. He got to Hong Kong safe and sound. He got to my cousin’s place and we thought they would look after him. My father sent a lot of money to our cousin, hoping she would look after Kong. She took the money instead and let my brother struggle alone in Hong Kong. My parents were unaware of the situation until they met my brother in 1980. 

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